The nuget-package component gives the ability to download NuGet packages on the Windows machine. After downloading the NuGet package, you can use Configure, Migrate and Restart attributes for post processing of your NuGet package. This component expects an http url of the NuGet package hosted in nexus repo.
Besides the global configuration available for any component such as Name, you can configure the following attributes:
Repository URL: Not used at this time. Full path for artifact is from Identifier below.
Repository: is used to specify the specific repo name where the artifacts are located that you want to install.
Username and Password allow you to authenticate into your above defined repository.
Identifier: is used to specify the artifact to install including the repo name. The identifier can be a URL, S3 Path, local path
or Maven identifier of the artifact package to download. The artifact should be a .nupkg file.
Version: is used to specify the version of the artifact to install. Can be a specific version or “latest” to pull the most
recent version.
Checksum: is used to specify the SHA256 checksum of the artifact package.
Path: is used to specify the repository path prefix.
Install Directory: is used to specify the directory path where the artifact will be deployed to and versions kept.
Variables are typically used here to manage commonly used information in a central place.
Deploy as user: is used to specify the system user used to deploy the application
Deploy as group: is used to specify the system group to run the deployment as.
Environment Variables: is used to specify any variables to be present during the deployment.
Persistent Directories: is used to list directories to be persisted across code updates (ex. logs, tmp, etc.)
Expand: Not used at this time. The NuGet package defined above will be expanded automatically.
Configure: is used to specify any commands to be executed to configure the artifact package.
Migrate: is used to specify any commands to be executed during the migration stage.
Restart: is used to specify any commands to be executed during a restart.
In addition to the above configuration for this component, you can also specify Attachments and Monitors for this component.
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