Home > blog > Triplet - OneOps Releases 17.04.19, 17.04.21 and 17.04.26

Triplet - OneOps Releases 17.04.19, 17.04.21 and 17.04.26

Since our last release we have continued to focus on performance improvements big and small, all across the various components of OneOps. A lot of them have just been in the background and have no user facing direct impact apart from actions completing faster and everything feeling a bit zippier. So this time we are rolling up three release notes into one.

One of the main focus points of the performance improvements was around improvements to compute updates. We now support certain specific simple changes to be carried out on an existing compute instead of recycling the compute and creating new fresh replacement. This removes the need for provisioning, OS and software installation and more that can typically take between 60 and 120 seconds and results in the necessary changes to be performed in 15-20 seconds now.

Besides these and other performance improvements we also implemented a few other changes and improvements:

New Features

  • Support for running compliance scripts on Windows - PR and PR
  • Support for domain accounts as users in Windows computes - PR

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Improved error message for failing volume mount action PR

Source Release Tags 17.04.19

Source Release Tags 17.04.21

Source Release Tags 17.04.26


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